Monday, February 9, 2009

children right to have free education

Free education

Most of people don’t come on the children to school to learn .Most of children stay at home. They herd sheep and also they help their parents at home. Some children work hard in factory. We must think about this point. They are young and they should interest with their life. They must learn at school and when they become youth they can work in different jobs.
If we make the children stay at home. The result will be the children become don’t know reading and writing. Why we aren’t given them the right to have good education?
this some pictures that show the labor children.It is the result of no education.

For more details about children labor http://


My friend s blog is about horses and it has very information about horses .Also it has very beautiful pictures which show beautiful horses. So my advice to any one who love horses visit this blog

Good Health Life

We must give children health care .We see a lot of children in aware country don’t have a good health .the enemy stole their right to live in the world .they always kill them and hurt them .Also they destroy their hospitals which give them Health care.

We see children in famines countries like Sumalia don’t have good heath .Why not they are a human .They drink dirty water every day and eat a little food which is always dirty .They don’t have money to buy food and to buy medicine if they get ill.

I agree with those people who say we cant stop
wars and famine ,but I believe we can help them as little as we can .We can give them money to improve their life .You should think about them.

Hello every body my blog is about the children rights.

Children rights

These two words have a big meaning that we must know about it .It has a responsible for the children. Children are like us .there are a human. They have rights we must know about it like they have duties.
This issue has controversial about it. Some people treat the children bad treatment. They hurt them physically and psychology .Also they think the child hasn’t any rights but some people treat children qua a human. They has rights and we must give them their rights and I am with those people who urge children’s rights .In my blog I discuss about children rights